DevMate helps in the following areas.

You can find more information on the Testing Pyramid here.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are our bread and butter. But rather than just doing a unit test that requires manual coding, we allow anyone with domain expertise to specify the test cases in detail. The developer is freed from having to translate requirements into code.

Integration Tests

We follow the same requirements led approach to achieve great results without the need for writing extensive test code.

Black Box Testing / Test Driven Development

Employing this methodology is where we come into our own and where the ideal mix of quality, effort and developer happiness can be found. Good Black Box Testing is a far better approach for ensuring quality than code coverage. If you’ve defined the requirements in the DevMate dialog, you will have top quality, human readable test cases and and easy job maintaining your tests.

We find that many companies do not fully realise that using TDD means you are already doing Black Box (requirements led) Testing. From our consulting experience, we are confident that TDD and Black Box Testing is the best way to go whenever possible.

Automatic Code Generation

DevMate generates documented, readable and even editable code based on your defined cases. Should you decide to use DevMate to get started, you can modify the tests should you wish to.

No Magic

Simply put, we avoid magic for magic’s sake. We believe in “clever” as much as we believe in AI. However, HI (Human Intelligence) has a huge role to play in Testing assuming quality cannot be left to chance.

Please see AI and HI - for a more in depth discussion on AI and HI - Human Intelligence.